Political Action

How Things Get Done

We recommend an honest, sincere and caring candidate like Julia Caulfield, (educator, researcher, and mom), who knows how to rate priorities that are closest to home and who, most importantly, still has a conscience where so many of her opponents have lost theirs.

National Arena

National Politics have become one big bag of bogus baloney, and everybody knows it. Our so-called representatives are lining their pockets with soft money from both sides of the lobbying fence, hands outstretched under the table, while they talk out of both sides of their mouth when it comes to their constituents. Pretending to suffer from partisan gridlock is a vicious calculated ploy that only perpetuates  suffering on the citizenry.

We’re all tired of their bull-feathers and the day of political reckoning has come. 

Local Politics

Local Politics, beyond the scrutiny of federal election monitors, is where the real wickedness takes root and breeds corruption. Zoning Laws are manipulated against the disenfranchised and arbitrary statutes are secretly ratified to protect and reify the privileged and their monopolistic advantages. Anyone who looks or thinks differently is subject to harassment and abuse.

Your local alderperson should be a person of great courage who is not afraid to drive away the predators and parasites who are feeding off our community and sucking the life out of our children’s future. Pixel is fearless and proven in her heroic willingness to take a stand and get results!

Youth Movement Representatives

The new generations are coming on fast! Boomers, who still exercise a large political presence, are actively recruiting for the change of guard. 

It is imperative that we enlist the new wave of political activists and avail our hard-earned action skills to the next stewards of our society.

Local Issues

It’s all about building powerful community and organizing for our own best interest. Corporate board members are not going to cut us in on their profit-skimming schemes. We are all in this together.

Local Business

Saving Main Street is issue number one for most downtown businesses. The trend toward Super Centers and Big Box Retailers out near the bypass is something that we have a say about…


With our infinite prosperity platform we have the means to create full employment (for all who want it) through intensive self employment and no college education. We actively recruit from the Community…


We have the vision and experience to create $50/hr jobs in our town and we are recruiting for our organization now. We need to stop pandering to low-wage/no-benefit grunt work and dispensable part time labor.